Digital Media Lab
Maximum Capacity
Library Branch
The Digital Media Lab features tools and software that allow the user to create, design, publish any number of digital and physical projects. Users can also convert VHS and Cassette tapes to digital formats.
The Digital Media Lab features:
-QuarkXPress 2016
-Clip Paint Pro & EX
-Power Director
-Microsoft Office
-Color Printer
-Poster Printer
-Blue Yeti Microphone
-Noise Cancelling Headphones
-3D Printer
-Graphics Tablet
-Large Bed Scanner
-VHS-DVD converter
-Cassette Tape Converter
-DVD/Blu-ray/CD replicator
-Adobe Creative Suite
-Garage Band
-Final Cut Pro
One person or party (up to 4) is allowed in the Digital Media Lab at a time.
There is no food or drink allowed in the Digital Media Lab.
Please check in and out of the lab with the reference librarian.