Create Reservation

Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

I've read and agree to the room reservation policy.
Reservation Scheduling
Reservation Date

Start date

End date

Room Information
Reserving this Room

Please check in and out of the Winn Room with the front desk.

All events must be free to attend and no sales, solicitation, or commercial marketing activity are allowed. All events must be open to the public. Private bookings may only be made for the library’s conference room (seats 12). The library may not be listed as a sponsor or co-host without prior approval. The library does not provide marketing for non-library-sponsored events.

Room usage permission is not transferable.

Breaches of these policies or failure to notify of cancellation will terminate future booking privileges.

Food and drink. Light snacks and covered drinks are permitted within the rules of the library. Groups must furnish all items required.


Use of microphones, DVD/CD player, projector, podium etc. is free but subject to availability. Staff must be consulted for support before using equipment.

The library cannot accept responsibility for the use, storage, damage, or loss of equipment brought to the library by the booking group.

Effective for all bookings after July 1, 2024. The booking party is responsible for the setup and breakdown of furniture before and after the event.

 Allow for set up and breakdown in your booking request. Bookings are for a maximum of three hours, including setup and breakdown time.


Effective for all bookings after July 1, 2024. Winn Room bookings must provide a Certificate of Insurance ($1,000,000) with an Additional Insured Endorsement naming the City of Coronado within 7 days.

Submit your proof of insurance to:

Examples of proof of insurance can be found Here and Here.

By clicking ‘agree’, I the applicant have read and agree to these policies and hereby agree to indemnify the City of Coronado from all claims arising out of the use of public property by the applicant.

For reservation requests less than 7 days in advance please email for room availability.

A/V Equipment Needed?
Equipment Available
Contact Information
Do you wish to receive a reminder before the reservation date?
Organization Information

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